Friday, December 16, 2016

Trumps campaign promises

Trump’scampaign promises maybe can’t be achieved because many companies and manufacturers consider their benefit from product cost in America. They won’t bring back manufacturing facilities to the United States if they get benefit is not enough. Businesses seek cheaper cost and get a higher benefit whether where set device manufacturing facilities. If government offer a lot of benefit in tax incentives, Trump’s campaign promises maybe can be achieved. But companies and manufacturers pay low taxes or none, the economics of the U.S. would be messed up. Many militaries, Schools, Universities, child security, public facilities, welfare, etc. would lose funding from the government if corporations did not pay taxes.   

Friday, December 2, 2016

welfare fraud

The value of our current welfare programs is debatable. The government is responsible for providing a strong social safety net to many vulnerable people.  State and the federal governments spend a lot of money to help the poor people on food stamps, health insurance, and cash assistance programs. There are people in America who really do need help. Welfare is a good place to relief people who are single mothers with kids, people who have lower income or lost a job, the physically disabled people etc. The problem with the welfare system is that some people abuse welfare, which discourages people from making responsible decisions. Many people work hard and earned money is taken out of their taxes to fund some people who refuse to work. These people lie to the government about their actual income and use welfare to support a fancy lifestyle. Welfare helps people who are really in need, but some people never get the benefit. For example, people often see veterans, who have sacrificed so much to protect and maintain our freedom, starving and homeless and begging for money or food in the street. The welfare system has serious issues, such as corruption and abuse in many ways. Instead of continuously burdening taxpayers, the government needs to reforms the system. The government should check more deeply recipients’ background and actual income to prevent welfare fraud.

Friday, November 18, 2016

 I agree with Deja Davis that Obama health care should continue because it is easier to fix its problems than to start a new program. Health care is helpful for people who have lower income. Many people suffer in sickness and won't go to a hospital because they can't afford medical insurance. People wouldn't have help if the Obama health care plan is eliminated.





Friday, November 4, 2016

Using racial quotas in universities admissions is unfair

Using racial quotas in universities admissions is unfair. Affirmative action is racism that US universities use different SAT standard to decide each ethnic groups. The different SAT standard caused excellent students are pushed out of universities. For example, many Asian and Asian American students apply to enter Universities and have a large pressure. Most universities require, if all conditions are the same, Asian students have to get a SAT grade of 140 or higher than other races. Many US universities are evaluating applications of Asian American students for admission. The way universities judge individual student performance criteria for admission is unfair. Admission restrictions caused more and more Asian American students deliberately hidden their Asian identity in the application. The competition is unfair because they are Asian identity and must to have higher scores than other races. Asian and Asian Americans students are often defined as "high-achieving minorities" in the traditional sense. But don’t all Asian students are very smart and named the academic robot. The problem is more obvious because of the increase fierce competition, making the US elite universities rise point in SAT and it makes more and more Asian students to focus more on the examination. The unworthiness affirmative action influence the spirit style of US Universities and also caused a certain impact. I think US universities should reform the affirmative action in the admission process. Asia students and other race students should be equal in SAT standard. Reducing to focus on SAT and more focus individual students’ special character and skills etc.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Mike Pence is a raging homophobe

The article "Mike Pence is a raging homophobe" is written by John Aravosis. The article is for people who are LGBT, gays, transgenders vote soon. Aravosis is an editor of AMERICblog. He works in TV. Pence is selected for a vice president by Trump and is a Christian. He against LGBT people who need help. He against marriage equality and his advocate is that marriage between one man and one woman. Pence against President Obama that transgender’s choice to use the bathroom in public schools. Pence has strong religious belief and believes LGBT violate natural law. Also, he against HIV/AIDS funding and want to turn gays into straight people. Aravosis opposes Pence and Trump and thinks they having a problem with voters, who are LGBT, gays, etc. I think Aravosis opposes Pence because of religious. LGBT, gays, transgenders have their right to believe their beliefs in life and we can’t force them to change their sexual orientation. They should have an equal chance to achieve their American dream.

Friday, October 7, 2016

One debate comforted the world. The other frightened it.

The article “One debate comforted the world. The other frightened it." was written by the editorial board for people who are going to be voting soon. The editorial board focuses on national politics, specializes in education, district affairs, energy, the environment, public health and other federal policy, concentrates on economic policy, trade, and write political, etc. The argument is that the board opposed Trump and thought Trump is not a good politician because he is a businessman and lacks political knowledge. The USA would be a mess in the future if Trump wins for president.
Trump’s politics are very ignorant. He thinks America can’t defend Japan because Japan does not pay the U.S. In fact, Japan pays $4 billion to America each year. The NATO alliance is not paid close attention to because Trump does not do more to learn about NATO and he ignores NATO’s treaties. Trump suggests that the administration would not continue the NATO alliance because he thinks the alliance is not important and won’t pay attention to the alliance. Trump’s misstatement is that he declares the U.S. should have taken the oil from Iraq and that oil is ISIS’s primary source of survival. In truth, their primary source of oil is from Syria. Trump’s assertions sometimes have serious implications. In comparison, Clinton keeps contacting Japan, NATO, and South Korea to reassure them about the defense treaties.
I think the board’s opinion is evident. They worry that if many people support Trump, America maybe would be impeded in diplomatic relation because Trump lacks political knowledge about foreign affairs. The relationship between Trump and the alliance would be broken up. If Trump wins president, he as a businessman would be always surprising and frightening for America.  

Friday, September 23, 2016

New Hampshire court ponders murder victim’s privacy

The woman, Marriott was a student from University and was raped and killed by Mazzaglia.
Mazzaglia was convicted in the court. Now Mazzaglia is appealing. Mazzaglia’s lawyer wants to make a public Marriott’s sexual activity information. Marriott’s lawyer and her family want to protect her privacy by asks the court to limit people who read about her sexual activity information. If victim’s lawyer fails with the argument about the appeal in the court, some raped women would be afraid to prosecute the rape because their private information would be public during a trial.
I think the article is worth reading. If raped women’s privacy information is  public, with people reading about their sexual activity information in the court, the raped women could be hurt and suffer.