Friday, October 21, 2016

Mike Pence is a raging homophobe

The article "Mike Pence is a raging homophobe" is written by John Aravosis. The article is for people who are LGBT, gays, transgenders vote soon. Aravosis is an editor of AMERICblog. He works in TV. Pence is selected for a vice president by Trump and is a Christian. He against LGBT people who need help. He against marriage equality and his advocate is that marriage between one man and one woman. Pence against President Obama that transgender’s choice to use the bathroom in public schools. Pence has strong religious belief and believes LGBT violate natural law. Also, he against HIV/AIDS funding and want to turn gays into straight people. Aravosis opposes Pence and Trump and thinks they having a problem with voters, who are LGBT, gays, etc. I think Aravosis opposes Pence because of religious. LGBT, gays, transgenders have their right to believe their beliefs in life and we can’t force them to change their sexual orientation. They should have an equal chance to achieve their American dream.

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