Friday, December 2, 2016

welfare fraud

The value of our current welfare programs is debatable. The government is responsible for providing a strong social safety net to many vulnerable people.  State and the federal governments spend a lot of money to help the poor people on food stamps, health insurance, and cash assistance programs. There are people in America who really do need help. Welfare is a good place to relief people who are single mothers with kids, people who have lower income or lost a job, the physically disabled people etc. The problem with the welfare system is that some people abuse welfare, which discourages people from making responsible decisions. Many people work hard and earned money is taken out of their taxes to fund some people who refuse to work. These people lie to the government about their actual income and use welfare to support a fancy lifestyle. Welfare helps people who are really in need, but some people never get the benefit. For example, people often see veterans, who have sacrificed so much to protect and maintain our freedom, starving and homeless and begging for money or food in the street. The welfare system has serious issues, such as corruption and abuse in many ways. Instead of continuously burdening taxpayers, the government needs to reforms the system. The government should check more deeply recipients’ background and actual income to prevent welfare fraud.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. the author argues that the welfare system of America has a lot of problems, and the worst problem is the fraud of selfish people. Of course, the system gives help to the people in need, so government should go on operating for the people. However, there are pretty many people using the system for satisfying their greed even though they do not need the benefit of the system. Therefore, the selfish people preventing the fair distribution of welfare by deceiving government must be extirpated as the author said.
    Extirpating the selfish people should be done for the people in need who cannot get the benefit of welfare system. This is because the people in need can be left behind at the priority order of people who can get benefit as the selfish people occupy the prior order. Also, the fraud of them even can lead wasteful spending of taxes. As a result, there are still many people who really need government’s aid, but did not get it although government estimates the amount for the welfare system every year and sets the budget according to the estimation. Accordingly, government can increase taxes in order to lessen the intensive voice of citizens demanding financial aids. However, there is a limit to increasing taxes, so it can make the possibility higher for government to have high national debt. Therefore, the selfish people’s inconsiderable acts should be harmful to entire American nation although they just think their acts as minor impact upon the welfare system.
    Of course, the fraud of the selfish people is not the only problem of the governmental welfare system. Actually, it is impossible that the hand of government is reached to all of the people in need carefully. In other words, government cannot help all of the poor people. Thus, helping from more smaller bodies such as neighbors’ help or local government’s aids should be necessary to complement the welfare system. Also, government should develop the operation system of welfare with the continuous question how the aid for the poor can be distributed well. However, extirpating some of people’s selfish acts should be one of the most important corrections for the welfare system.
    So, I agree with the author's idea about welfare fraud totally!
